A collection of my projects

Customer Manager


My first Angular app! This app allows the user to create customers and edit their orders and products. This app uses Angular 6 as a front end and my own custom build RESTful API built with Node and Express as a backend. MongoDB Atlus is used as a database. The API can be seen on my GitHub page. The server is hosted on Heroku. Since I am using their free tier, the server goes to sleep after 30 minutes of inactivity. So if the app is not responsive at first, please wait a few seconds and refresh.

Angular 6, Typescript, Node.js, Express, MongoDB

Reddit App


Using the Reddit API, I created recreated Reddit. It features basic Reddit functions, allows users to browse the frontpage and their favorite subreddtis. This is a work in progess. More features will be added over time. Comments, user profiles are currently in testing. Search functionality soon to be added. Mobile responsive design will be implemented soon.

CSS, JavaScript, React.js


AllBuy is an shopping site or Amazon clone created with React.js. It allows for users to create accounts, browse from a catalog, add items to a cart, checkout and see items purchased in the past. It uses Google's Firebase servers to store all the data used in the app.

CSS, JavaScript, React.js, Responsive

Weather App

A simple weather app that uses the OpenWeatherMap API. Allows users to search up the 24 hour forcast (API limitations) by city or zip code. Users can create an account to favorite cities for easy access to the most current weather.

CSS, JavsScript, React.js, Responsive

Wikipedia Search

Using the MediaWIki API, this app will output wikipedia links to articles related to a term that the user searches. There is a slider where users can adjust the number of results that are being displayed, ranging from 0 articles to 20.

CSS, JavaScript, React.js, Responsive

Image Editor

This is one of my first JS projects. An image editor that allows users to enter a URL and change the image properties from all the available CSS filters.

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Responsive

Movie/TV Search

As an avid follower of the film industry, not only do I enjoy wathcing movies and shows, but also reading about them. This is an app for those like me. It uses The Movie Database API and lets users seach for any movie or TV show. It displays a variety of information on the film, such as the genre, release date, runtime, ratings, etc. It also displays sorted lists of films in the order of box office, popularity and ratings. The results are accompanied by a link to the IMDB page of the film to provide users more information if needed.

HTML, CSS, JavsScript, jQuery, Responsive

News Headlines

A React app that uses the News API to display the top headlines of the day from some of the most popular news outlet. The app allows headlines from BBC, CNN, ESPN, NBC and more. A search function is also available. Users can search keywords and top headlines are shown from all news outlet supported by News API.

CSS, JavsScript, React.js, Responsive

Learn U.S Currency

Add up U.S currency ranging from $100 to a penny. Add or subtract bills and coins and find the total value. Each value is visually displayed using case statements and divs with CSS styles.

CSS, JavsScript, React.js, Responsive

To-Do List

One of my earliest JS apps, a simple To-Do list. Created with jQuery, add task to a list, cross them out by pressing on them or delete the task by hovering over and revealing the delete button.

HTML, CSS, JavsScript, jQuery, Responsive

The Random Quiz

A simple JS quiz. Select the answer from the given choices and see if you're correct.

HTML, CSS, JavsScript, Responsive

Sample Sites

These are a few sites I recreated to help learn CSS. These are static websites and does not include any JS. They are also not full sites, just a single page for practice.

HTML, CSS, Responsive